miƩrcoles, 30 de diciembre de 2020

The highland cows are here

2 days ago, on December 28th at 11:30pm (yes, that late!), our first 3 highland calves arrived to the farm in Pemberton. 

Julian and I couldn't stay up to get to say hi that night. But we were so excited to meet them. They truly looked like farm puppies, and they were way cuter than I expected. 

In our family/farm it really feels like a new era has started with their arrival.

[Image: Thunder Ridge Hennessy, Harriet of Willow Glen and Hollyhock of Willow Glen in their new home]

Eric took this amazing photo. 

They first jumped one of the fences, because apparently Julian and I cornered them. They actually broke Eric's built first fence. 
After that event, Eric, Julian and I tried to put them back in but couldn't. 
Then Eric built his second fence ever, to enclose the cows in a section where they were at least eating some half frozen weeds.

[Image: Eric's second fence done]

Some hours after Fritz came and with Eric's help the cows were lead to the correct fenced section, where they had their hay, water and shelter. 

The calves were really shy at the start. But on day one Eric managed to go near them and even brush Hennessy. We had already 4 special brushes in the farm for that purpose. The other calves are still a bit shy. Hennessy also enjoyed some treats (grain) from a bucket.

[Image: Eric and Julian bonding with the highland calves]